Sensible values derived from our surroundings
Emotions Vs Feelings
In our daily life, we face many hurdles or find ourselves involved in some activity, there if we like the work we express it as something good and if it goes wrong we describe it as bad. Now both "good" or "bad" express your feelings in that particular situation but how do you get to that point where one could come with a certain feeling? Definitely, the answer is very simple & that is after analyzing the experience.
Now there's is another quality that is found in the animal kingdom which we call it as EMOTION. Generally, the word emotions and Feelings are used in an interchangeable manner but are they both really the same?
If we look at the beginning of this post, where I had mentioned after analyzing we get those feelings but remember one thing feelings could be predetermined as we could use our imagination to analyze the predicted situation & on the basis of that build certain perspective resulting in the generation of feelings. So the experience is where we get EMOTIONS - your senses manage to track what is going around which your body responses in some form of movement taking place & these are basically involuntary means you are not in control of those actions.
Feelings, on the other hand, are mental associations and reactions to an emotion. It should be kept in mind that we all including animals could get the emotions but feelings require language and movements to express ourselves, therefore, it can be concluded that learning the art of expressing our feelings in the right way through which we can convey our points or describe our situation very much helps us to make better decisions and to have more clarity in what we want to achieve.
Hope this short and to the point explanation about the differences between EMOTIONS and FEELINGS helps in creating more awareness and spreading knowledge among all. 😊😊😊
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