Our thoughts making the reality we face


The best inspiration always comes from nature

From the childhood days, I used to wonder about the beautiful world of colours, patterns, the complicates structures standing above the water in the form of those giant electrical towers which carry hundreds of electricity cables, I used to think the objects I could see from my eyes is the only form of design possible until I came to the conclusion that the clothes I wear, the toothbrush I use and all the things which I come across daily are a part of some kind of design which they experience or gets derived from  certain sources that give them that particular shape. Personally, I found the shape of a toothbrush very interesting as it got the shape of a dynamic structure with all those curves I imagined if that same language of creation could be implemented on a building then what will happen. My ideas and dreamy nature could make me look very awkward indeed and whenever I try to express such thing in front of any person they find it extremely strange so most of the times I keep those ideas to myself without letting anyone know. Coming back to the point when I was building a perspective on my environment & its many surprises, so the gadgets, the apparels, the food we eat,  all the activities we do which could be related to any field whose main focus is on getting a particular outcome- all those things first takes its form in the virtual world that is in our mind but when does it actually takes place? I got this question many times when I keep on analysing a situation related to some material or service and the answer finally obtained is a simple one that is when our emotions get touched by some sort of need which makes our mind take action and these actions give a certain pattern to our imagination. Exploring this made me ecstatic and filled me with even more curiosity to know about my corners of my own mind that could possibly help me to create something of my own. There is a very old saying "What we see we believe, what we listen we talk and what we think we become" which I believe we all have heard many times but most probably we don't pay much attention as it is kind of boring because we feel that we already know it then why should we listen and think about it again but here but that saying actually manipulates our thoughts in such a way that could lead to path of creating something which could resolve a certain problem in the society, making us a much more productive human being and most importantly a person who could understands his own mind.

So what I have learned from this whole study of reality and things that take place virtually is before doing anything we need to train our minds and how's that possible? that is possible when we design our thoughts by feeding our mind proper information. A well-designed thought process would help one to understand the needs of the people and requirements of that place which demands change - such situations would force the mind to take the action which could resolve that particular void in our life or in the surroundings we are living in which finally will result in the shape of a product or service in the physical world where it would be utilized by people and help them to live a better life.

This whole explanation of design related to actual things that could be seen through our eyes and how they take birth in the imaginary world along with the influencing agents is directed towards Idea generation and giving it a proper orientation that could result in a valued product or service.

My Next goal is to have a descriptive explanation about various organizations or fields which has seen a requirement and got derived from a basic observation to a full-fledged service or a valuable product. 


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