What inspires us to think and dream


It is where we are born and  a part of this story of creation - Nature is our home 

People say for doing any work it could be anything creative, working on a project that is done individually or in group etc we need something to inspire us, So in order find a source of inspiration if I ask which is that thing that could make you dream and inspire just by its looks, smell, texture and all those things that you can think about which helps you connect and feel- could you come up with an answer?  For me personally its Nature- Yes it is because of all the colours, the vibrant views, the smell of freshness, the touch of purity which could be anything - smooth, rough, tender or edgy- all that makes you think and imagine. Nature could give you ideas like no other thing because of its mysterious plots which cant be resolved, in each step one can make a new discovery about life and needs of fulfilment if s/he makes nature the best friend and follow its journey that is never-ending.

I always wanted to know about the architecture of buildings and how they are created, nowadays the shape of our living space along with the modern tall skyscrapers have gone through a real transition of technological advancements and use of the conceptual design that enhance their ability to sustain heavy loads, provide more stability, become more energy efficient including many other things that makes our life much more complete but looking at it from very basic point of view we can say it could be any house or building but our purpose is having a shelter which we could use to have privacy, rest when we want and stay out of attrocities of weather. If we look at nature the first thing I see the birds nest -it could again be a little strange but that is what I used to dream about when I was very young. 

The design of nest is highly inspiring for me personally because where it usually located and how it is utilised by the birds for raising their families though I could say nest doesn't have a roof neither have protective walls- So we can have a good laugh about this abservation made by me after all how could a bird make walls and roof(Smile) well coming back to the point where I was talking about the structure of the nest, yes so the location and the preparation of the whole thing could give you the idea of how something could be designed even in the extreme conditions where theres limited resources available. Another thing I keep on searching is the various appearances of objects or you can  respectfully say the gifts of nature & their physical presence- The scales of fish which could be seen as their skin- made me wonder why they are present and what their role is late I discovered it as there to provide safety from harmful agents that could threatened the lifes of these creatures- I could eloborate my explanation on this topic but I want to convey the pont of how we could draw new ideas that could be converted into a product which could re structure our surrounding adding more meaning to our lives and provide a solution to out daily requirements so, for now, I am keeping it limited. Moving on another observation I made when I was looking at a tortoise - well some of you might get mad at me for always searching details in whatever I see and not enjoying my moments(laugh)- So have you identified those patterns on the outer shell? Wonder what does signifies isn't it? A few years later I discovered something called VORONOI diagrams- not making it very complicated for common people I could express it as the Partitioned shapes with a visible boundary and each of the shape having a centroid- Imagine how a complex mathematical pattern is on the shell of a tortoise, but don't we humans have the same on our skin similar to scales in fish or something else, I think we all can see the texture of our own skin isn't it? It has many many mysteries waiting to be explored.


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