The nature changing its form due to climate variations

The changing climate impacts whom?

The temperature which was there on earth surface 20 years ago has gone through some drastic changes and all this has changed our environment completely. Now if we take a look at the reasons that caused this huge change all over the globe then we will we humans had the major role to play  in the mass scale revolution in the fluctuation of temperature scale towards higher range, though saying that some parts of world is also cooling down but the number of region facing the heat waves is significantly higher than places facing the tundra climate, So overall it could be said that the earth is heating up and research has shown recently that in the last 45 years the average temperature of earth has been lifted by 0.17 deg. C compared to average increement of  0.07 deg. C in the last 120 years. It is quite interesting to see that the earth has accelerated its pace in storing more green house gases in the last 40-50 years that has led to the higher temperature in the recent times.

 As we had just discussed about certain parts of earth is becoming cooler is a fact that we all should know because near the antarctic region there are places which are breaking new records in the negative side that is becoming even more cold. here's a link to place called Dome Fuji in the Antarctica which happens to be a Japanese research base that is currently not functioning had the coldest temperature in the earth recent history registering close to -100 deg. Celsius  PLEASE CLICK THIS GIVEN LINK IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT DOME FUJI

In this article our aim is to fin out how the variation in temperature could become a major obstacle to our environment because of the deteriorated state and various backlash that we could think of when it related with changing climate, overall we could say our daily life could be altered in a dramatic way leading to situation where we won't be able to predict weather. Such a situation impacts the process of designing the physical infrastructure because they are made to withstand a certain temperature that helps in longer duration of its age and being resilient against the changing atmospheric conditions but as the conditions continues to worsen with more changes to the climatic conditions we require more robust technology which is initially going to be more expensive and limited, It is a challenge for all of us to fight the growing levles of pollution in any manner that is responsible for high green house gases and degradation of the physical world through contamination of air,water and land mass. 

Temperature on the earth surface

At the same point of time when earth is heating from one side, there's another side that is getting cooler like the above place which makes the concept of earth surface heating a complicated one,  recently I have come across the ongoing heatwave in Europe which is said to be concerning area because of climate change.
Various news reports have claimed that some major cities in the continent will reach a record breaking high temperature most renowned metropolis going through this situation includes London given higher pollution levels, it is expected to be touching the 39 degrees mark in the coming few days. 

The sudden changes

The study of sudden change in weather conditions or rapid climate change of a region is mainly termed as ABRUPT CLIMATE CHANGE which I found on the internet searching Global warming and hence it turns out that Global warming is the second name of abrupt climate change , for further information there are some technical terms that we may like to know are as follows 


We can take two distinct cases of changing climate of Greenland and Antarctica to figure out how the above mentioned factors really influence the entire region impacting the many changes we manage to observe in the form of environmental change and broadly speaking the ecosystem stability that is how it gets altered with every variation in the climate conditions.

With all this being said, the prime reason for climate change is said to be Human interference and ever so growing levels of pollution which still imposes a big threat in restoring back the ecological balance in many areas all over world.




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